July 6, 2010

Plein Air, Continued

Yesterday was what is called a paint-out in Midway. You bring your blank canvas or panel in the morning and they stamp it on the back to show it wasn't painted yet. Then we were allowed to venture around the village within two blocks of main street to find appropriate subjects. It is an awesome village with pasture land and streams all around. I only went about three blocks to the east and two blocks north to the edge of the village and there was a lovely view of cows grazing in a field beyond a fence. After I started painting the cows I looked up and they had disappeared. The titles came from a neighbor who gave me the names of the property owners. These had to be finished and framed by noon for display in the community center for the rest of the day. I actually was able to deliver them by 10:30. (fast painter:) A delightful lady from California saw them and claimed them.

Here's the finished painting.

Van Wagoner Ranch
12" x  12" acrylic on panel

Then down the block to a cool stream formerly used to irrigate the town.

Kimball Ditch
9" x 12" acrylic on panel

This was a really fun experience and later my wife and daughter's family joined me at a wonderful garden restaurant for a great pizza meal across the street from the show.

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